Ex Pat Mamma

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

only good things

so no posting from me. We are all well; we have booked our summer travels (George Michael gig in Lucca included, hurrah!); I have even been skiing and come back with all limbs fully functional. I have just passed an Icelandic exam to qualify as an Icelandic permanent resident (perhaps "exam" is too strong award... there were 20 questions which included "What is your name" "What country are you from?" and so forth). I have finished teaching so unofficially the sabbatical starts RIGHT HERE! I am so far spending it trying to make some sense of the Bosnia-Serbia judgement and if I can ever work out how to explain it in less than 5000 words (current challenge for a local publication), I may even consider branching out and putting a comment on it here. But don't count on it.

I await the curse of the blog...


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