Ex Pat Mamma

Friday, January 06, 2006

Back to Work

Hello. We made it home safe last night and I hauled myself back into my office this morning. We had a great trip and pupo was very well behaved - but of course :) It was a bit strange to go back into work, but I think hubby had the harder job today as pupo has decided he will not take a bottle.
He was delighted to see me when I came home - hubby that is, not pupo! Nah, pupo was beamiing with delight and clung onto me as tight as he could. Bless his cotton socks. Hubby has gone off for a well deserved swim and sauna.

Pupo reached the 6 months mark yesterday. He's still baldy, gumsy and can't roll over. But he smiles constantly and is a constant source of delight. Well, ok, maybe not constant... not in hotel rooms where he tends to scream all night.... but definitely mostly a source of utter joy.

I'd better go and earn good husband points by setting the table


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