Ex Pat Mamma

Monday, February 28, 2005

Forza la Romabíll

The baby lives on :) Turned out the alternator was busted, which meant the battery drained. They needed replacing plus another couple of tiny parts. In the UK it would have probably cost about 100 GBP: here it cost over 3 times that... ouch! Well, at least I don't have to walk up the hill to work again for a while.

BB continues to wriggle about inside of me and I am constantly hungry. I am having 6 slices of toast and butter (and sometimes cheese too) just for breakfast. I'm definitely bigger and heavier but so far there isn't much actual fat. Apart from my boobs, that is, which surprise me by managing to get even bigger on a daily basis. And they've started to leak! (I thought it was a bit early for such things, but I suppose the body is just practising. Guess I'll be breastfeeding then.)

I've also taking a bit of an urge to baking, which is quite frightening really, especially for the kitchen. Cakes are still a bit too intimidating, but I made half a kilo of peppermint creams (with raw egg white, naughty, naughty, don't tell the midwife).

20+1 - over half way there now :)


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