Ex Pat Mamma

Sunday, September 18, 2005

What news?

Well, none really. Been waiting to have something worth blogging but the week has been as without incident as is possible with a little boy. We went to the mummy morning at the church; mastitis is beat; nappy rash is under control; tendonitis in my neck is dreadful.
Yesteday I went out for a cycle for the first time in over 2 years. This is the same woman who used to cycle up University Avenue in Toronto - not only one of the busiest roads in Canada but one which is very steep indeed. I went along the fjord where all is flat. I lasted about 6km then came back, completely exhausted. Slept like a baby, however :)
People are talking about Christmas. Hubby is making up his list. Mummy is perplexed - it's not even snowing yet.

So, that's it chez nous. Not much to report this week. Which is probably a good thing.


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