Ex Pat Mamma

Thursday, November 09, 2006

A few less ducks in Beijing

since hubby, er pupo and I tucked into a few. yum, yum.

Er pupo became the central tourist attraction of Beijing for a month, as every visit took an extra hour spent with him flirting with all sorts of hoi polloi and having his photograph taken, perhaps ten times on each day trip. I kid you not. The ladies in the hotel even delivered him a big bunch of flowers. He thoroughly enjoyed himself, though is also happy and excited to be home, and delighted to return to his dagmamma and tell the other kids about his adventures. He talks and talks these days, though nothing comprehensible. Walking is every day closer, but still no cigar. He refused to sleep on the plane, both going and returning, giving us a token 45 minutes in each direction. Of a ten hour flight. That´s 9 hours and 15 minutes of trying to entertain a toddler on a plane. He was happy enough, though, and didn´t cry, so I count my blessings.

One of our suitcases has gone AWOL, but KLM will pay up the big bucks in due course; only tragic loss is the Christmas present for my sister and er pupo´s "last emperor" hat, which he simply adored. I mean, this is the boy that hates wearing a hat, but take this one off him, and he would cry and stretch his arms out to have it back. Must be the colours, red and yellow, i.e. Roma, for my little pupo.

Uncle Mao says hello, by the way.

Scottish football has come down to earth after a loss to Ukraine. We knew it couldn´t last.
SCO 4 9
FRA 4 9
ITA 4 7
UKR 3 6
LTU 3 4
GEO 4 3
FAR 4 0

Lorry loads of laundry await, as does a desperate need to get some more sleep.


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