Ex Pat Mamma

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Holidays :)

What a fantastic trip we had!! We got home yesterday after quite a tour of the small Island. We started with our parents in tow and drove down to the National Park where the North Atlantic and the European plates of the earth meet, creating a giant cliff in the middle of the land. On the way we passed many a fjörd, including one with this big huge white thing in the middle. I wanted to go take a closer look, saying: "I think that's an Iceberg!" which notion was ridiculed by hubby ("you only get icebergs in iceland every 50 years") and my dad muttering "I'll be very surprised if it is an iceberg."

So, closer we go, and further up the fjörd there is another one, enormous and DEFINITELY an iceberg. Pregnant, but not stupid. A little smug, perhaps too...

We continued on to said natural park area and stayed in a little summerhouse for a few days, driving around and seeing the sights, including a big geysir and an enormous waterfall, not to mention the lake area with said parting of earth's plates.

Onwards to Reykjavik, mum and dad went home, and hubby and I began our Grand Tour. Which was absolutely brilliant. The Romabíll behaved impeccably without so much as a hiccup and wasn't even particularly uncomfortable (apart from the gravel roads, that is, those were noooo fun).

We saw an artic fox, a great skua, a herd of wild reindeer sauntering casually along the beach (then had some for dinner, yum yum). We sailed around a lagoon full of icebergs which fall of Vatnjökull (the biggest glacier in Europe) and I even managed a considerable walk up to one of its glacier tongues. Let's just say from the road it looked very close; in fact, when we were at the road, it may have BEEN close, but given my own glacial pace these days, I think it was moving faster than we were.

As we turned the final bend to come back home, we found a giant iceberg in our very own fjörd.

Back to work now but not planning anything too energetic for a wee while.

Off to see the stand-in midwife this afternoon (our own is on vacation) but nothing to report healthwise as I am feeling really great.



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